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翰林版自然科學課本實驗相關器材(雷射光源、水槽、平面鏡)1. 利用雷射光源看出光的行進路徑,並藉由水槽之水面形成一反射面,藉由光行進方向引導學生反射後路徑,藉由觀察歸納出反射定律2. 藉由手勢自創反射定律舞,讓學生透過手勢舞蹈了解反射的方向、角度及線段3. 透過不同的平面鏡排列的位置及方向,讓學生進行闖關活動,了解學生是否了解反射定律。
本計畫的目的為發展一國中VR 自然科學教材,讓八年級學生了解靜電的原理與現象。本教材設計發展的沉浸式VR,讓學習者能以實驗方式觀察靜電現象。本教材分為三單元,包括第一單元摩擦起電、第二單元靜電感應、感應起電、接觸感應及第三單元總結及測驗。教材中應用POE (預測-觀察-解釋)教學法,並提供引導及即時回饋,讓學習者與教學者可依需求分別使用。作業系統:Windows作業系統搭配載具:VR版- Acer VR頭盔、支援Windows Mixed Reality。PC版-支援Windows作業系統。

Digital sand timer with artistic design. Time flows and does it stylishly. This digitized hourglass can be used to time anything for up to 60 minutes. It's like having a nice looking visual indicator of how much time is left on your task.* KIDS FRIENDLYTimer visualizes time to kids and lets them feel the time. Without reading or even knowing the numbers one can look at the visualized time flow, feel it and understand how long to wait or whether to hurry up.* STAY NOTIFIEDIt lets you set the alarm sound that will play when the timer is finished. You can choose from 16 unique alarm sounds, melodies and loops. You’ll be notified when your time is up even if you’re using another app or your device is locked. It can also repeat the sound alarm (up to 3 times) at the given interval if it was missed/snoozed.* COLOR YOUR TIMEYou can easily change the timer color to fit your personal lifestyle. There are 5 color themes: turquoise, red, green, amber and pink. Just pick the one you like in the application settings.* UNIVERSAL APPTimer works both on your iPhone/iPod and iPad, contains HD graphics for retina and iPad displays and supports all screen orientations for all devices. [+Retina graphics for iPad 3rd generation]* SEE ALSO: Best TimerBeautifully designed sand timer, stylish kitchen timer, countdown/up and powerful stopwatch All in one creatively combined Best Timer application to suit all your timing needs. Search "Best Timer" on iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/app/best-timer/id415656570) 洪琮欽 時間倒數 Digital sand timer with artistic design. Time flows and does it stylishly. This digitized hourglass can be used to time anything for up to 60 minutes. It's like having a nice looking visual indicator of how much time is left on your task.* KIDS FRIENDLYTimer visualizes time to kids and lets them feel the time. Without reading or even knowing the numbers one can look at the visualized time flow, feel it and understand how long to wait or whether to hurry up.* STAY NOTIFIEDIt lets you set the alarm sound that will play when the timer is finished. You can choose from 16 unique alarm sounds, melodies and loops. You’ll be notified when your time is up even if you’re using another app or your device is locked. It can also repeat the sound alarm (up to 3 times) at the given interval if it was missed/snoozed.* COLOR YOUR TIMEYou can easily change the timer color to fit your personal lifestyle. There are 5 color themes: turquoise, red, green, amber and pink. Just pick the one you like in the application settings.* UNIVERSAL APPTimer works both on your iPhone/iPod and iPad, contains HD graphics for retina and iPad displays and supports all screen orientations for all devices. [+Retina graphics for iPad 3rd generation]* SEE ALSO: Best TimerBeautifully designed sand timer, stylish kitchen timer, countdown/up and powerful stopwatch All in one creatively combined Best Timer application to suit all your timing needs. Search "Best Timer" on iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/app/best-timer/id415656570)

appTuner - gStrings Free
這是廣告支持的版本調諧器 - Gstrings會測量聲音的音調和強度。它可以讓你調整任何樂器(小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,貝司,吉他,鋼琴,管樂器)。其特點包括:1。樂團調諧(移動/重新定義音頻率),2。不同氣質(勾股,中間音調,公正,逗號等),3。可變範圍非線性尺度,4。麥克風靈敏度的設置,5。間距管,等等。如果你正在尋找一個吉他調諧器,試試吧! 陳文和 Tuner - gStrings Free 在8年級教授波與聲音時,非常好用,可以立即量測音源的頻率,或對照在音樂上音調。在教室使用時,可以將手機連接到投影機顯示在大布幕上,使全班同學可以同時聽到聲音也看到聲音的頻率。軟體有三個功能:1、sound "A":可以發出指定音調的單頻音2、tune "A":偵測聲音符合指定的音調3、tune auto:將偵測到的聲音頻率以數字顯示,並顯示出相符的音調教學時使用tune auto可以比較不同發聲物體條件發出不同的頻率,例:1、比較粗細不同的吉他絃,粗絃頻率低,細絃頻率高2、同一條吉他絃,轉緊時頻率高,放鬆時頻率低3、同一條吉他絃,開放絃時頻率低,壓絃時頻率高,可解釋波長長則頻率低4、比較男生、女生發聲的頻率不同,女生音頻高5、將試管或燒杯裝不同高度的水敲擊發聲,利用tune"A"功能,調整到正確的音調,即成聲音清脆的樂器。
web智慧教室 hiteach 教案-八上理化4-5色光與顏色-觀音國中王麗文
自然課使用 hiteach 軟體與平板,利用即時的課堂互動,確實掌握學生學習狀況,學生在親自操作過程中,思考與應用學得的知識,可提升學生專注力,增加課程印象
學生能知道除了結晶法,過濾法,還有色層分析法可以分離混合物 學生能提出影響實驗結果的可能自變項,進而規劃設計實驗 學生透過實作與同儕討論,分享科學發現的樂趣

appMaps Measure
Map measure可以讓你在地圖上量測出多點的距離,以及你所圈選出來的區域面積。簡單的運用,比如讓學生從家門口開始沿著馬路點一直到學校校門口,就可以大約算出從家裡到學校的距離。雖然Google地圖,可以很快速的呈現兩點間的距離,但區域面積才可以透過這App來粗估。 吳振遠 Maps Measure Map measure目前沒有中文化,但操作簡單,只要稍微跟學生說明一下,就可以上手了。圖資是結合Google map,但是透過它可以讓你有動手求算的感覺,由其是它可以求算面積,所以你可以讓學生點選學校操場一圈,再看看所圈選的區域面積是不是很接近操場的實際面積。教學活動流程(結合理化)1.利用這個APP讓學生求出家和學校間的距離,再依照每天從家到學校走路的時間,來算出自己走路的時速為何?2.算出自己的時速後,讓學生依照這個時速,求出學校到區公所要走幾分鐘。3.因為個人走路的時速不一,所以沒有標準答案,但學生必須將算式寫出來,看看學生概念是否懂。APP使用可以參考我錄製的教學影片,教學影片連結如下Asus sory操作教學影片https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cScT6DHGPZs&list=PLRRJJH9FSQxnQ0qVBAG3c14Ur-7STq0fi