



搜尋相關的資源 141
Green 繪本教學-資源代表圖
webGreen 繪本教學

What color is it?-資源代表圖
webWhat color is it?

Topic 1 New Friends  Lesson 1 自我介紹 (A: What is your name?    B: My name is __________ . )-資源代表圖
webTopic 1 New Friends Lesson 1 自我介紹 (A: What is your name? B: My name is __________ . )
利用課本、觸屏電視、骰子、獎勵章、Cool English 網站等教學資源, 分1.引起動機2.發展活動3.綜合活動三階段來進行自我介紹(A: What is your name? B: My name is ____________ .)的句型教學. 在引起動機階段是利用英文歌曲做暖身, 在發展活動階段是利用骰子來做師生間及學生與學生間的句型練習, 在綜合活動階段是利用Cool English網站中的遊戲讓學生做句型加強練習.

Rooms in my house-資源代表圖
webRooms in my house
學習目標: 1. Ss will be able to recognize and say the words in context.2. Ss will be able to use the target language (Where are you? I’m in the…) while participating in the activities. 3. Ss will be able to use target language to introduce their works.

Topic 2 We can help-外型 特徵 情緒-資源代表圖
webTopic 2 We can help-外型 特徵 情緒
課程設計以「學生為中心」,配合學生的學習特性和能力發展, 培養學生英語學習之興趣,透過學習主題之連結,提供語言使用情境、活化語言學習。再從課程內容出發,藉由英語課中學到的形容詞,輔以影片能探索自己與他人的特色和優點,並從影片中Earth Day (地球日)活動初步了解環保議題,在淨灘活動過後,感受故事主角的情緒,引導學生覺察自己的情緒來源,並能獨立思考、處理與運用訊息的能力。

英漢字典 EC Dictionary-資源代表圖 android
app英漢字典 EC Dictionary
英漢詞典是一款快速丶易用的英漢/漢英離線字典,字庫高達200,000個,並含發音丶詞性丶例句及收藏夾丶多語言翻譯等多項功能。支持各種平臺的手機和平板,全球下載總量突破300萬,歡迎免費下載使用。 吳明正 英漢字典 EC Dictionary 在翻譯機還沒發明以前,大家都得用厚厚的英漢字典來查單字。有了翻譯機後,又覺得外出要多帶一臺機器好不方便。終於,智慧型手機出現,有了許多字典 App ,但偏偏許多這類 App 都需連上網路或事先下載離線包才能查詢與發音,如果沒有網路怎麼辦?別擔心,介紹大家《英漢字典 EC Dictionary》離線字典,不但免費還不用網路,裝上它,手機就是你的隨身翻譯米糕!新功能1. 修復谷歌翻譯2. 滑動去除特效,不傷眼睛3. 加 ? 或 % 模糊查詢

quizlet-資源代表圖 ios
這是一個可以輕鬆建立自己單字卡集的一個網站,除了提供多種有趣複習單字的方式外,還可以跟其他人分享自己的單字卡集,以及搜尋其他人的單字卡集。 陳嬿安 quizlet 假如有大概每天20個單字要學生背,但卻沒有上下文的關係來猜單字意思,就算每天反覆複習,也會容易遺漏幾個單字。雖然背單字會提升語文能力,但是很容易在文章當中看到眼熟的單字,但是卻想不出明確的意思,又必須翻閱字典,或是上網查。如果說要讓背單字能夠是有意義有效率的學習,那就不能以『背』來強化記憶。Quizlet和單字卡一樣,只是一個單字卡的網站。以前的單字卡就是把單字寫在卡片的一面,然後把他的意思寫在另外一面;Quizlet也一樣,可以建立自己的單字本,然後透過反覆呈現、測驗、配對遊戲、快打旋風等等互動的遊戲,不自覺地記下自己建立的單字 。 另外你也可以另外你也可以搜尋其他人建立的單字卡或是分享自己的單字卡給其他人,是很好的資源互動。

Zoom Cloud Meetings 我的隨身會議室-資源代表圖 ios
appZoom Cloud Meetings 我的隨身會議室
Zoom Cloud Meetings免費版提供10人多屏線上視訊會議、螢幕共享會議、以及電子白板會議服務。可使用智慧型手機,平板或者電腦(多屏應用),在各種行動裝置上都能順暢進行影音會議(支援 iOS、Android 、Windows、Mac 四大平臺)。Zoom多方視訊會議的「螢幕共享」功能,可以於會議進行中,共享照片、雲端文件和網頁。還有「共同註記(塗鴉)」的功能,會議主持人以及與會者,都可以在共享螢幕上用方便的小工具註記,協同工作。 吳雅真 Zoom Cloud Meetings 我的隨身會議室 發掘Zoom這項app一開始是為了召開「無紙化」行政會議的需求,只要在平板和手機等行動載具上安裝這項app,就可以利用螢幕共享的功能,在與會者的平板、手機、電腦上共享圖片、照片、網頁、書籤、以及雲端的Dropbox和OneDrive文件。在共享的螢幕上還可以用筆、螢光筆、聚光燈、線條、箭頭、圖形和文字來共同註記、協同工作。如此一來開會前只要將所需的文件存入Dropbox共享的資料夾中,就可以在開會時節省大量的紙張列印。 未來的教學應用還可以應用音訊會議、視訊會議等功能,讓學生用手機和平板來召開會議,發言和對話,甚至可以和外國的學生共同召開會議,討論各項議題。

MEGA-資源代表圖 ios
MEGA is a secure cloud storage service with 50 GB free storage space.Inside the app you can upgrade your storage space & bandwidth quota by subscribing to MEGA Pro with a monthly or yearly subscription. 許晉銘 MEGA MEGA is a secure cloud storage service that gives you 50GB for free.Unlike other cloud storage providers, your data is encrypted and decrypted by the client devices only and never by us.Your data is accessible any time, from any device, anywhere. Share folders with your contacts and see their updates in real time.The cloud in your pocket. Access and stream your files from your smartphone or tablet. Upload and sync your media to the cloud.Search, store, download, stream, view, share, rename or delete your files. It's all there - in the palm of your hands.For more info, please check our website: https://mega.co.nz/

iBooks-資源代表圖 ios
iBooks is an amazing way to download and read books. iBooks includes the iBooks Store, where you can download the latest best-selling books or your favourite classics — day or night. Browse your library on a beautiful bookshelf, tap a book to open it, flip through pages with a swipe or a tap, and bookmark or add notes to your favourite passages.Download books• Download best-sellers and classic books from the iBooks Store• Find fully illustrated books, including children's picture books, designed art books, photo books, cook books and more in the iBooks Store• Experience gorgeous full-screen Multi-Touch books designed for iPad. These books are filled with interactive features, diagrams, photos, videos and more• Read a free sample of any book on the iBooks Store before making it a part of your permanent collectionGreat ways to read• Choose from seven beautiful fonts, three easy-to-read page colours and three useful page layouts — including Book, Full Screen and Scroll• iBooks beautifully renders text written in 18 different languages• Highlight your favourite passages and add notes with the built-in bookmarking features• Share thoughts about your favourite book with friends on Facebook, Twitter, Messages or Mail• Find a word, character or phrase anywhere in your book with the built-in search feature• Easily adjust your screen brightness to find the perfect lighting for any environment• Use iBooks with the amazing accessibility features in iPhone, iPad and iPod touch — such as speaking the words on a given page• Print PDF documents and notes you've written in iBooks using AirPrintiCloud features• Organise your books and PDFs into personal Collections that appear on all your devices• Keep your bookmarks, highlights, notes and your current page up to date everywhere using iCloud• See all your iBooks Store purchases in iCloud — right on your bookshelf with iOS 6Supports open standards• iBooks also opens content published in the ePub and PDF formats• Add ePub and PDF documents to iTunes and sync them to iPhone, iPad or iPod touch• You can also add PDF documents from Mail to your iBooks PDF CollectionRequirements• The iBooks Store is available in many countries. The selection of books in the iBooks Store may vary by country• Downloading from the iBooks Store or using iCloud features requires an Apple ID and Internet access• Support for books with Asian or right-to-left languages requires iOS 6 or later• All books created with iBooks Author can only be read with iBooks on iPad• Books created with iBooks Author require iOS 5 or later. iBooks Author 2 requires iOS 5.1 or later• Syncing books made with iBooks Author requires iTunes 10.5.3 or later• Adding books and PDFs from outside the iBooks Store to iBooks requires they be DRM-free and synced using iTunes 10.5.3 or later• Some PDF documents may not be compatible with iBooks 張志仁 iBooks 安裝後可以使用Apple專屬的電子書、電子雜誌等內容!This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadCategory: BooksUpdated: 18 September 2013Version: 3.1.3Size: 43.1 MBLanguages: English, Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, VietnameseDeveloper: iTunes S.a.r.l.© 2013 Apple Inc.