推薦的資源共 31 筆,這是第 1 頁

Different Ways of Thinking About Disability.

To subject conventional classification of disability to critical scrutiny.


Different Ways of Looking at the World Grouping Countries

There is no clear agreement on what constitutes a country. Being a member of the UN is one way


Association between Lifestyle and Self

As we know, One of the most important population trends in China over the next half a century will be the aging process and the increasing number of the "oldest old".


Lifestyles, Values and Environment

The programme and its goals Research highlights


Lifestyle Factors - Oxford United Youth & Community Sports Trust

Success brings with it a resposibility to be professional in all aspects o


American Life in the “Roaring Twenties” + 0Share Report

Insulating America from the radical virus


HONGKONG, 1888 - history5H23-2jbp

I left my country in order to give my relatives peace. I am at any rate once more in a free land, breathing the free air of Europe


Cultural Changes in America

New Family Roles.


lighting collection 2017

Fiuppocannata lighting collection



Personality refers to a person's unique psychological makeup and how it consistently influences the way a person responds to his or her environment.'
