推薦的資源共 29 筆,這是第 1 頁

I Enjoy Swimming, But I Don’t Like Running

複習enjoy/keep/practice+ Ving的用法,並結合Lady Gaga設計訪問活動讓學生活用句型。



Learn which verbs in English we use with your favourite sports. PLAY, GO, and DO are used for different sports. In this lesson, you will find out how to know which one to use with each sport.


English Vocabulary for EXERCISING at the GYM

Worried about that spare tire or muffin top people are pointing at? No, we dont mean car parts or baked goods. Its time to get in shape, so head to the gym! In this lesson Ill help you get shredded wi...


FOOTBALL Vocabulary

GOAL!!!!! In English, is the game called football or soccer? How do you tell someone whos winning and what the score is? Just in time for the FIFA World Cup, a sports vocabulary lesson! Are you suppor...


NBA 籃球英語第六集

1. The Cleveland Cavaliers and San Antonio Spurs were trading one-point leads in the third quarter before Steve Smith took over. 克里夫蘭騎士隊與聖安東尼馬刺隊在比賽第三節交替以一分領先對手,一直到 Steve Smith掌握了大局。 trading one-po...


NBA 籃球英語第五集

1. But in a tight game with the Hornets, the two seemed to bury the hatchet. 但是在一場與黃蜂隊打得難分難解的比賽中,這兩位球員似乎已化干戈為玉帛(而攜手禦敵)。 tight:(比賽)不分勝負的,雙方差距不大的。 bury the hatchet:hatchet是印第安人的戰斧,也叫做 tomahawk。Bu...


NBA 籃球英語第四集

1. "I don't think we ran out of gas..." 我不認為(我隊的輸球)是因為體力不繼的關係。 ran out of gas:gas代表一種能量,在球場上指的是體力。因此,ran out of gas 就是「耗盡體力」。請注意,此處動詞用 run,是「用」的意思;run out of money就是「沒錢用了、錢花光了」。'


NBA 籃球英語第三集

1. Van Exel beat the shot clock with a 3-pointer with 1:13 left for a 101-99 lead, but Mason hit an off-balance shot in the lane. Van Exel在比賽剩下1分13秒出手時限結束前投進一記三分球使比數以101比99領先,但是Mason在禁區內在身軀不穩的情形下也投進一...


NBA 籃球英語第二集

1. Richard Hamilton, one of the so-called "Jordanaires", scored 11 points in a 13-0 game-tying run that swung the momentum as the Wizards won Saturday night's home opener 90-76 victory o...


NBA 籃球英語第一集

1. Jordan made his much-anticipated return before a sellout crowd at Madison Square Garden. Jordan在萬眾期盼下重返美國職籃聯盟,首場在(紐約的)麥迪生廣場花園(球場)的比賽座無虛席。 sellout:門票售罄。 a sellout crowd:滿座,客滿,座無虛席。 SRO:比...
