推薦的資源共 13 筆,這是第 1 頁

兒童英語樂園第三季:Do You Study English In The Morning ? (3)

Barkie想要Billy幫他寫信給Candy,問問Candy在巴西都在做些什麼。 這集我們要學習的有: (1) 句型:Do you play baseball in the afternoon? No, I don't. (2) 字彙:do homework, play baseball (3) 字母拼讀:pr-pretty, princcess,pl-play, playground (4) ...


兒童英語樂園第三季:Do You Study English In The Morning ? (4)

SpidEx送來了一封信,信上問evening和night有什麼差別?通常evening是指傍晚,也就是下午5~8點太陽剛下山時,night則是晚上8之後天完全黑了。另外,evening要用in the evening,而night是at night唷! 這集我們要學習的有: (1) 句型:What do you do in the afternoon? I do my homework in t...


hess6unit5 中選英



兒童英語樂園第三季:Do You Study English In The Morning ? (2)

Barkie又在睡覺,Billy決定約Hoggie去打籃球,Hoggie突然想到一個能叫Barkie起床的好主意,原來是有Candy聲音的鬧鐘。果然,Barkie一聽見馬上就醒了呢! 這集我們要學習的有: (1) 句型:What do you do in the morning? I study English in the morning. (2) 字彙:watch TV, play baske...


The Roles in Pursuit of Happiness

By appreciating this movie, it increases the motivation students study English. Let students understand their own characterises, expect they develop their potentials.Third, know how difficult to m...


hess6unit5 配合題



hess6unit5 拼生字



go on a trip

1.Asking and talking about future plans 2.Use the tense and adverbs of time properly


hess6unit5 中翻英



兒童英語樂園第三季:Do You Study English In The Morning ? (1)

Billy覺得Barkie一早在睡覺很浪費時間,希望他能規劃一天的時間利用。 這集我們要學習的有: (1) 句型:Do you play basketball in the morning? I watch TV in the afternoon. (2) 字彙:watch TV, play basketball, study English (3) 字母拼讀:pr-pretty, princce...
